Gym – Activity

Working out was something I kept on doing on and off for years. I would workout at home for 1-2 weeks then get demotivated and stop. This made me make zero progress over the years as doing something once and doing something consistently is very different. However, this year I was extremely motivated to make a change for good as I wanted to start early to bring positive changes to my health and body before it become harmful for me as there are many health problems that are caused because of obesity like diabetes, meany heart problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure,etc. This experience was a life changing decision for me as I am still working out every single day despite the estimated end date of this experience.

Because this was such a major change in my life, there were some LOs that I catered to.

LO1 - The first thing that I head to do before even start training was to recognise my weaknesses and aspects that I needed to improve in for which I did an initial BMI scan and several throughout the journey. This helped me include exercises that were focused on my body type for example by performing the test I got to know my body fat percentage was very high hence I included more cardio in my training routine.

LO2 - Despite how proud I am with the work I have done and the results that I can see, I would be lying if I said this experience was a cake walk. Losing motivation to got to the gym everyday wasn’t even the biggest challenge. The biggest challenge that I faced in this challenge was constantly eating clean. I had to learn to control my temptations and focus on the primary goal without getting distracted. I can’t even count the number of times I went out with my friends and everybody was enjoying delicious food while I was sitting there with a glass of water. Though eventually I did learn to control my temptations and also included some cheat meals in a month to make things sustainable.

LO4 – Throughout this experience I had to showcase commitment and perseverance to reach my goal as working out isn’t something you do once or twice and then you’re done but it’s something that you have to do everyday without slacking. That’s the only way you can see results and improve. I had to be extremely committed throughout this journey as I had to make sure I was eating right, sleeping enough and training enough. Needless to say I was able to do it successfully despite the hardships faced.

This journey ended with a better,stronger and healthier person then before. I even improved my mental health a lot and can focus a lot better now.

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