Bal Mela

Bal mela was a one-day event held by the school for the government schools. Children from all the schools and of different age groups came together and tried different activities which included creative as well as physical learning. I was in charge of the live stage where I and 2 volunteers along with me taught the kids some dance moves. 

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

A group of pupils who shared my enthusiasm for dancing was astounding. Understanding my skills and weaknesses, I planned the entire flow in advance to prevent conflicts or disruptions during the event. It was crucial for me to realize this since it enabled me to maintain my composure throughout the day. Additionally, it’s critical to accept them in order to develop, adapt, and become more resourceful.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I wasn’t feeling well physically, so it was hard for me to muster the energy to dance and interact with the kids. It was challenging for me to introduce the steps since I felt weak. Fortunately, I was able to ask for assistance from the volunteers, and they offered great support. To ensure things operate and function properly, it was crucial for me to establish trust and open lines of communication with them.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Not everyone has access to education or the necessary tools for research. Except for academics, people neglect to look for possibilities that will help them acquire skills anywhere in the world. Working and spending time with the children provided me with new perspectives and made me appreciate all the admirable things I have, my privileges, and my environment. It enabled me to mature and learn not to take advantage for granted. Overall, this experience was enlightening.

I developed the learner profiles communicator and reflective as I considered my strengths and weaknesses and communicated it well to support learning and collaborated effectively.

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