Bal Mela

As I reflect on my experience volunteering at the Bal Mela function organized by my school, I realize that it was a valuable learning opportunity for me. The event provided a platform for students from government schools to participate in various games and activities, and my role was to facilitate a game where participants had to throw a frisbee through a hula hoop.

LO 1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of the key learning experiences for me was identifying my own strengths and areas for growth. I recognized that my strength lay in communicating with people from diverse backgrounds, as I was able to explain the rules of the game in a simple and engaging manner. However, I also acknowledged that I needed to develop my skills in managing large groups of people. I felt challenged in managing a large number of participants, but this experience helped me develop new skills in event management.

LO 2  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Another important learning outcome of CAS that I demonstrated was the ability to take on challenges and develop new skills in the process. Facilitating the game for the participants was a challenging task, as it required me to think on my feet and adapt to the needs of the participants. However, this experience helped me develop new skills in event management and communication, which will be useful in various aspects of my life.

LO 5  Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working collaboratively with other volunteers was another significant learning experience for me. By coordinating with other volunteers, I was able to ensure that the event ran smoothly. I recognized the strengths of each volunteer and leveraged them effectively to create a seamless experience for the participants. By working collaboratively, I was able to achieve my goals more efficiently, which was a valuable lesson for me.

LO 6  Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Moreover, the Bal Mela event provided me with an opportunity to engage with issues of global significance. By organizing an event that promoted inclusivity and participation among students from diverse backgrounds, I contributed to creating a more equitable and just society. My efforts in promoting social cohesion through this event were commendable, and I am proud to have played a role in it.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Consider the ethics of choices and actions Reflecting on my role in the Bal Mela event, I emphasize the ethical dimension of my choices and actions. Ethical considerations were pivotal in ensuring fairness, inclusivity, and respect for diverse backgrounds. In facilitating the frisbee game, I maintained a fair and unbiased approach, considering the impact on participants. This experience heightened my awareness of ethical considerations in community events, influencing decisions on resource allocation and accessibility. Understanding the ethical dimensions of choices and actions is crucial for personal and social development. This learning outcome will guide me in approaching future challenges with a heightened ethical awareness.

In terms of my learner profile, I demonstrated the characteristics of a communicator and a caring individual. I communicated effectively with the participants and worked collaboratively with other volunteers. Additionally, I showed kindness and empathy towards the participants, making them feel comfortable and included in the event. These characteristics are essential for personal and social development, and I am glad that I was able to demonstrate them during the event.

Finally, the Bal Mela event was a valuable learning opportunity for me to develop as a well-rounded individual. By participating in the event, I was able to identify my strengths and areas for growth, develop new skills, demonstrate the benefits of working collaboratively, engage with issues of global significance, and demonstrate the characteristics of a communicator and a caring individual. These experiences have helped me develop into a more well-rounded individual, which is the ultimate aim of the CAS program.

In conclusion, volunteering at the Bal Mela function was a valuable learning opportunity for me. I identified my strengths and areas for growth, developed new skills, demonstrated the benefits of working collaboratively, engaged with issues of global significance, and demonstrated the characteristics of a communicator and a caring individual. These experiences have helped me develop into a more well-rounded individual, and I look forward to applying these skills and knowledge in various aspects of my life.

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