Purvai exhibition

The exhibition was held by a company named purvai, where all the sustainable businesses were brought to exhibit their works from all across the country. we as students had to provide help by managing their stalls, working at the help center or even at the registration center.

2nd Learning Outcome: I learnt how to use better communication skills by talking with people helping them with their queries, overcome my weakness of not opening up to strangers or people, which also focused on the second learning outcome of demonstrating the challenges that have been undertaken and developing new skills during the process. Because of this, I developed my confidence and public speaking skills.

4th Learning Outcome: At the same time, I showcased the fourth learning outcome which tells about showcasing your commitment and perseverance in the experience, where I managed my academics and other important agenda which had to be done during the same timings and because I had given my words to the coordinator of the exhibition, I had to commit what I had said before.

6th Learning Outcome: Moreover, the following LO was also portrayed in this activity where engagement with issues of global significance. During the exhibition, I was given the task of handling the administration center and managing a stall which sold sustainable, environment friendly chewing gums which had no plastic and were human friendly also.

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