ISSO Volunteering

ISSO(International Schools Sports Organization) football tournament was held in my school(Fountainhead school) and needed volunteers.So as football is very close to me and is one of my hobbies.I took part in the volunteering team where I need to help the school to manage everything because the it is a very well-known cup where all the IB schools participate around India and  managing everything would not be easy without volunteers hence I took part in the volunteering team as it would help me to grow individually and help learn some new skills.


Learning outcomes achieved from this CAS experience:


Learning outcome 1- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:


So my role was to manage teams where I had to update the teams about their match status,where to go,what not to do and all managing work.So I discovered a new skill in me which was leadership skills as I was a good leader I was able to manage everything very calmly and easily.The only problem where I could work on is to be a little bit patient as I was in a hurry to complete everything and was stressing out sometimes because of less patience.


LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:


So to make this event successful and do my job properly planning was a must and very important factor as without planning it would not be possible as everything would go haywire as it was a huge event.So planning included the match schedule and what to do when there is a match of a team where they would be and where they should be,Arrangement of their transport,Arrangement of their food,Medical requirements if needed and everything they require so without planning and organizing this would not be possible.


LO 4: Showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences:


I showed commitment and perseverance as the task required a lot of hard work and dedication because running here to there managing everything the whole day is not an easy job as a volunteer and member of the escort team I had to run everywhere manage everything which after one point irritates you and makes you give up but as it was related to football and was your own school it was fun and because of the commitment and perseverance I was able to manage everything and enjoy my work at the same time.


LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:


As it was a huge event without a team it wouldn’t be possible to manage everything individually. So during this experience a lot of collaboration skills were used firstly coming to the escort team I was not the only one managing the teams so we dived 2 teams for each volunteer which made our task easy.And also through a lot of communication skills the tasks became easy for the whole team of volunteers.


Overall this CAS experience was a special one as I got to learn more about myself and also learn new skills through something I enjoy(through the medium of football).


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