Farewell volunteer

Since the day we came into DP our seniors did not leave a single chance to surprise us with so many events such as the freshers with a note of how DP is going to look like. While the forms for farewell rolled out, I immediately signed in while taking this event as an opportunity to thank them and make their farewell memorable. We had been given many choices under which we could be for the event and so my friends and I together decided to go into dance and learn various group dances and perform on the day of the event. This event had a lot of ups and downs but in the end, it was a great success. 

The learning outcomes I came across throughout the preparations were: 

Learning outcome 1- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth: 

I as an individual am good in communication and even have good social skills meaning that I can easily work with a group of people and complete the assigned work efficiently. I was in dance however as the work in decor was more, we were even asked to help the decoration team with the pending work. Hence some of my friends and I decided to take some of the work and help them complete it faster. 

However, while I talk about the area I need to develop, the main sector is dance. I had chosen dance not as a hobby or passion but for my seniors as it was their farewell. The entire group of boys and girls which are closer to them from our grade decided to dance and say goodbye in a memorable manner. There were groups and couple dances which meant I had to practice more for remembering the dance steps and doing it nicely. By the end of the event preparation, I had learnt all the steps and was confident enough to dance on the stage in front of approximately 200 people including the seniors and teachers. 

Learning outcome 4- Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience:

For this event to be a success and make it the most memorable farewell for the seniors, the entire team of this event had to show perseverance and commitment towards the assigned task. Being a non dancer it was very hard for me to learn so many new steps and dances as I had to not only learn but even remember the steps till the day of the event which became a harder task to do with studies going on the other side. 

I decided to start scheduling my day properly so that I could give some time in the entire week to this event and again revise all the steps I had learnt. Moreover, in the starting of the preparation periods, the sessions for dance were not conducted frequently which meant that everyone in the dance had to revise by themselves so that they don’t forget the steps by the second session. It was really hard for me to do this but I did not lose hope and chose to stick by the event and show commitment. With some hope and motivation by friends I finally was able to learn and do the entire group and couple dance properly. 

Overall, this event was a huge success and according to the school management team and even the seniors this was one of the best farewell events done in our school. So as a member of the farewell team our hard work did pay off!



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