Beach Cleaning – International coastal day

On International coastal day, there was a beach cleaning campaign which took place in Dumas, Surat. In the campaign we were expected to clean the trash (bottles, cans, etc.) which were thrown on the beach.

Learning outcomes achieved from this CAS experience:

LO 4: Showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences:

I showed commitment and perseverance as the task required a lot of hard work as we had to go to every spot, we can find trash and pick it up which included a lot of walking and also laziness as it was early morning, and the temperatures were quite high so because of commitment and perseverance it was possible.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

So as the beach is very huge which cannot be cleaned by an individual we divided in groups where we all worked together and gathered as much trash, we could use different strategies in a team such as some will gather the trash at one place, some will dump it in the bag like this we collaborated and collected the trash.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:

Over here the issue was dumping trash on the beaches which has many impacts on the environment. Coastal areas filled with trash is a matter of global significance as it degrades and destroys unique beach habitat needed by animals and plants. Also, all this leads to global warming and climate change and is a serious threat.

LO7- Recognize and consider the ethics of choice and actions: 

Every action taken by the society has a factor of ethics which has to be taken care of. As beach cleaning is an action taken by a group of people together, we had to take care that whatever we do is ethical not only for the society but for the environment and animals. Beach cleaning was done for a purpose of promoting more cleanliness not only at private places but in public places. Cleanliness will help to reduce all types of pollution. Moreover, it is important to spread knowledge on how plastic should be banned and the least usage of it should be done. 

As discussed, the purposes behind this action were related to saving the environment at a small scale however it was done for a good cause hence it was ethical for everyone present on the day of this event to clean the beach. 

Overall, this event was a huge success and was able to help in saving the plant to some extent. 


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