Bal mela

So I volunteered for the Bal mela event that took place in our school. In this event over 17 different schools from Surat visited. and it was our task to help the kids learn new things and help them learn something new that they would not have been able to learn by themselves. These kids were underprivileged and we were supposed to give them a fun experience as they do not get to enjoy this kind of event on a daily basis. I was responsible to teach them play limbo and a few other games. From this event I learned a lot of things these are the LOs I have learned:


So this was the first time I had an event where I was supposed to teach kids new things. I had never done that before and I was quite scared because of all the stories I had heard from my seniors. But it was not like that but it was quite the opposite, it was really fun talking to all the kids and getting to know them. If I ever get an opportunity like this I would not hold back and be the first one to fill out the form because what I learned that day is that we should always be ready to help the underprivileged people.


So me and my friend Parth were responsible for teaching the kids limbo. We knew that we had to be there the whole Morning which was not an easy task with the morning heat. But we still managed to pull through because the thing is that this would be the most fun day they ever had.we taught each group how to play the game and I personally felt it took a lot of time while teaching it which was even more difficult. But It made the kids laugh so it was worth it.


One thing I noticed is that these kinds of events need a lot of management or it wouldn’t work at all. Me and my friend Parth were the ones teaching the kids the limbo game and I realized that it would be quite difficult to manage kids by yourself and give them instruction at the same time. But thanks to my friend we managed to give them an instruction gift and the best time they had in our school premises.


So one thing I realized by looking at the underprivileged kids was how privileged and good life we had. We need to appreciate everything we had and not be sad if we don’t have everything. And one thing that I will do regardless is that I will be always willing to help and participate to help the kids.

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