FSMUN 9.0, Delegation of UAE

FSMUN “Fountainhead’s Model United Nations” is an event organized by our school and as the name suggests it is a Model United Nations. This event took place in the span of 2 days 19th and 20th November 2022. I was in the UNOOSA with my delegation of UAE. Throughout the 2 days event, we had the agenda of “Use of Space technologies in International defense.”. Considering it was my first FSMUN, it was a great deal for me personally. Throughout the session, I learned to work on team-based debates, discussions, and many more things regarding proper communication. This was actually challenging for me as I had to choose my words very carefully, any wrong word or statement could lead me out of the council or the event. However, at last, I got to be on the list of delegates who got a “special mention”; in total it was a great experience for me to enjoy and a good way to socialize while learning.

LO 1- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

At the start of the event, I found one of my weaknesses which was that I used to get carried away with other points while speaking and would sometimes miss out on the main point that had to be spoken first. On top of which the limited time to speak made it, even more, worse for me. However, thankfully I realized my weakness and worked on it by noting down the key point that I had to speak about first and noting down the other point that came up to me while speaking. This helped me a two great; first to convey my point and make it clear which is the most important point in a MUN; second I had more related points for further discussion. Moreover, I found that I was able to adapt to the new procedure and the way of debate and discussion. At last, all of these changes in weakness and identifying my strength helped me to stay in the main field of the event.

LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The biggest challenge that I faced in the event was being concise and clear with the point that was put forward on top which the time limit made it more difficult for me to do so. On the first day, it was the most difficult for me to have a certain way of putting forward a point, I was only able to put forwards an average of only a single point. However, by the end of the first day and on the second day, I was able to improve upon the challenge that I faced; with the help of some strategies and personal strengths. This overall helped me to stay concise and clear with my point.

LO 5- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Other than just having an induvial discussion, we also had to make an alliance with other countries and their delegates to have a debate on certain areas of conflict or opposing ideas and also come up with a final resolution. As being in an alliance and team with other delegates, we were able to share certain points, helping each other to defend and to take upon important discussions that were necessary for making strong stands on certain areas of dispute. Moreover, this helped us to create a proper final resolution that could be accepted by the chair and other delegates.

LO 6- Engagement with issues of global significance.

During the time of the event, we had discussions on the global security and safety issue. This helped me to learn how certain laws and amendments are made in the interest of public safety and how on the international level it affects the relationship of different countries and alliances.

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