FSMUN is an event that occurs annually at Fountainhead school. It is an event in which students of FS and other interested people who want to participate in FSMUN enact a dummy MUN(Model United Nations) as diplomats, politicians, and delegates of various nations. I participated in FSMUN as the delegate of Slovenia in the UNOOSA committee, which works to promote international cooperation in the peaceful and sustainable use and exploration of space. The event was conducted on the 19th and 20th Nov and I learned various things throughout this journey.

LO2: Demonstrate that they have undertaken challenges, developing new skills in the process.

In this huge event, we participants had to act as delegates for countries in the UNOOSA committee. It was a tough job as we had to research a lot on our countries’ space affairs and other research on other countries as well. During the committee session, we had to note down other delegates’ statements and counter their views with our own, while also keeping in mind not to say something to give the opposition countries a point to use against us, also supporting friendly countries’ delegates when they are being targeted. All of these challenges were undertaken by communicating with others and researching enough to speak up in the committee. I also had to summon some courage from within myself to convey my point to the committee.


LO4: Show commitment and perseverance in their CAS experiences.

I had to communicate with a lot of individuals throughout the event, and some of them were aggressive or laid back, making it very tough to work with them. Yet, I persisted and kept in mind that I was dedicated to this endeavour, so I dealt with them with all the patience I could muster. One of the most important lessons I took away from this experience was the need of having the commitment and fortitude to deal with people, advisors, and different team members. I learned from this how to be devoted to my work and exhibit determination to avoid backing out.


LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

I had the chance to collaborate with other delegates who represented other nations to find answers to challenging international space concerns. I was able to hone my communication and cooperation abilities through this experience as I discovered how to collaborate with others productively in order to accomplish a shared objective. We were able to bring a variety of viewpoints and ideas to the table by working together, which resulted in more original and imaginative solutions. Also, working with delegates from all backgrounds and learning about their individual viewpoints helped me to have a greater awareness for and understanding of cultural diversity. Overall, participating in a team at the FSMUN UNOOSA conference was an incredibly enriching experience that gave me priceless skills that I can use in my everyday life.


LO6: Demonstrate engagement with global significances.

As the Slovenian delegate to the FSMUN UNOOSA conference, I had the opportunity to connect with global concerns and gain useful skills for community meeting participation. I had the chance to work together with attendees from other countries during the conference to discover creative answers to global problems. I gained skills for innovative and unconventional thinking, teamwork, and advocating for my nation’s interests through this experience. In the midst of the committee meeting, we had to deal with emergencies. Overall, the FSMUN UNOOSA conference was a life-changing experience that helped me develop as a learner and as a person of the world.






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