Dumas beach cleaning(Service)

During the weekends, I visited Dumas Beach to take action for the life below the water. I collected garbage such as cans and plastic bottles on one side. My goal was to clean as much trash as possible that had been dumped in various places on Dumas Beach.

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 

Engaging in beach cleaning activities at Dumas Beach not only contributed to the preservation of marine life but also raised awareness about the importance of environmental conservation. By actively participating in cleaning efforts, I demonstrated a commitment to safeguarding the health and vitality of aquatic ecosystems. This experience deepened my understanding of the interconnectedness between human activities and the well-being of life below water.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

During the weekends, I visited Dumas Beach to take action for marine life. I showed perseverance and commitment toward the goal of cleaning the beach. After working for 3 hours on the first day, walking for long distances, and putting all the trash in a bag and putting it in one place, I was tired. As I had committed to cleaning the beach, I had to come back the next day to clean up the remaining beach area. Thus, I showed perseverance and continued my efforts to clean the beach.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The major issue I have noticed is that people visit places for enjoyment, but tend to throw their waste items around. This issue is important globally, that any garbage left on the beaches for a long period will pollute the air or water, releasing toxic chemicals that are harmful to humans and animals. Hence, keeping the water around the beaches is a threat to sustainability. It makes me feel good enough that I could take a step towards life below water.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The actions and choices taken against the garbage left on the beaches were ethical, as they help save the living organisms under and around the beaches, the health of humans, and the lives of stray animals from consuming trash items like plastic bags. This activity made me feel guilty, as if the beach were filled with trash, it could harm marine life.

Final takeaway

I was successful in completing the beach cleaning, which gave me an insight into the global issue of plastic pollution. I have realized that we often throw a lot of trash around beaches without being aware of the consequences.I developed the Learner Profile: Caring. This was because I had shown my care for life below the water by gathering trash and cleaning the beach.



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