
Agrasen Bhawan is an organization, and it held a marathon which served a social cause, blood donation for Thalassemia patients. Thalassemia are inherited blood disorders characterized by decreased hemoglobin production. We sometimes fail to appreciate everything that has been provided to us and we don’t sympathize enough with people who are underprivileged and suffering with health issues. The run was for 3km,5km and 10km, which was open to all. This was an experience where I got to be a part of the social cause and helped me with increasing my level of fitness. 

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I have never been a part of a marathon before, I haven’t even run more that 2 miles before.  I was running 5 miles for the very first time and it was challenging for me considering my potential and immune system. I had no practice and no energy after 3 miles of running. I now know how important it is to keep myself fit and to exercise on a daily basis, I should be able to run 5 miles at my age and should have the caliber. 

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I needed to show commitment in completing the marathon, it would not count if I did not finish 5 miles. It was difficult for me to commit considering my inability to run for 5 miles straight but knowing it was for a good cause and I am not only helping people suffering through the disease but also doing my part in putting a smile on the hundreds of faces who’re related to the patients. 

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The issue this marathon focuses on is good health and well-being, which is also one of the SDGs. How people cannot afford the required medications, especially people who belong to third world countries. Thalassemia is a deadly disease and my heart aches knowing there are so many people out there including children who are not able to pay for basic medications and take care of their health. Knowing this gave me a sense of how precautionary health and being fit is. Taking part in this marathon helped patients with the disease to recover and I couldn’t be happier being a small part of this big movement. Being aware of these issues are important for each because some way or the other everyone can contribute to nurturing and helping at an individual level. 

The learner profile AIA developed during this experience was caring as I showed respect and sympathised with others.


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