Model United Nations, an event that was happening at our school for the 9th time. I was part of the organizing committee and was leading the decorations for socials and the flow of socials. Socials was an after-party on both days of the committee sessions for the delegates and the chair, the first day was a dance socials and the following day was a musical socials.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Communicating with the staff about how the decorations are supposed to be put and internal conflicts about the decorations at the end moment was challenging. Thinking of what’s the best option to go with and convincing the team for the same was a task but I’ve been in such situations before, so it became easier for me to deal with this. Communicating with everyone and politely explaining was how I overcame this situation. I have learned having tolerance and forbearance is crucial in such situations. 

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

We had deadlines to complete the work for the socials, I had to commit to working and coming in early or miss the slots to complete the pending work. The commitment was required in order to bring forth the initial idea and make sure it goes exactly as planned, it was not entirely easy considering the loss of academics, and I also had to cover up and study besides working in the event. Organizing my timetable and making a to-do list helped me and I was persistent with my work, and I think having such an experience will help me in the future, it will make things easier for me now that I know how I can handle things in such situations. 

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working collaboratively was not difficult as I had experience organizing previous events. There were instances during the planning and executing the ideas that all team members could not be on the same page. Also, a few of the resources were not available in such a short period of time. Managing and handling such situations were difficult but I was patient and dealt with one thing at a time and the event was a great success. Understanding everyone’s point of view and listening helps and gives you a different perspective. Teamwork was important as without the team it was impossible to put forward the whole idea and the arrangements. 

Throughout this event, I communicated with different people and I portrayed the learner profile communicator during the event and while preparing for the event.

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