Mount Abu

We went on an educational trip from our school to Mount Abu, it was filled with adventure and challenges that we had to take. There was a lot of trekking, team games, rock climbing, rappelling, and caving. It was very fun and engaging, I learned a lot from the trip, and I have memories of a lifetime. 


LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I can say that I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses well. I believe not giving up easily and keep giving it a try till I am finally there is my strength. And whereas being sporty and athletic is more of my weakness. It was nice knowing I could identify this and work on it with passion. I am trying to do more outdoor activities as I have realized it not only benefits my physical fitness but only helps me develop spiritually. 

LO2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Most of the adventurous part of my life was when I was on a school trip, with Covid it took a big leap, and it was difficult for me to do all the sports proactively and with full determination. Rock climbing was the most challenging out of all the sports, the surface was slippery, and it was difficult for me to have a tight grip. I was failing to climb and had to take the help of the rope to complete the rest of the way. I need to try more adventurous stuff and not hold myself back and let my fear take hold of me. It was a fun experience even though I failed a couple of times.


LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I often require my own space and I like doing things on my own but on the trip it was different. I seek help from my friends in sports activities and they did too. It was easy working together and helping each other at times to finish the activities. We cooperated and I learned a lot of things about team building as well as collaboration skills. It is necessary to work collaboratively as it pushes you forward, moreover, it helps you develop understanding and trust. 

I developed the learner profile risk-taker during this experience as I was independent and brave while approaching unfamiliar situations.



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