Educational Trip: Mount Abu (Activity)

Nature camps from schools are the most exciting and awaited parts of the year. You get out of your comfort zone, travel with your friends, learn a ton and have lots of fun. It is also a great opportunity to bond with your peers as well as nature . Especially after 2 years of lockdown and 1 term of extensive dp course, we were taken to Mount Abu wherein activities such as rock climbing, rappelling, trekking, camping, caving and group activities were planned. The trip was filled with laughter, learning, adventures and breathtaking scenery. 

During two years of isolation, when we were always in front of the screen it was a challenge for us to take instructions verbally and respond promptly, especially; when it came to collaboration, communication and being responsible for a group rather than individually. The first learning outcome that I would like to highlight is LOI-1, identifying your own strengths and developing areas for growth. Not having any physical activity for the past 1 year, I thought I would get tired very easily since my stamina would have regressed and it would be very difficult for me to cope up with the group. However to my surprise I was leading the group, walking shoulder to shoulder with the instructors and was appreciated by them. Through this I was able to realize that I have always been enthusiastic towards trekking. 

Furthermore, LOI-2; Demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills was shown. Doing caving and rock climbing ( on natural rock formation) for the very first time. I was a little anxious as I did not know the skills and techniques for the same. One wrong step could’ve got me wounded. Showcasing LOI-4; showing perseverance and commitment in CAS experience, during this situation where my mind told me not to do it, I was committed and courageous enough to try it. Not to mention, they were one of the most memorable parts of the trip. 

Lastly, LOI-5 ; Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively was applied here. Collaboration skills are used and required throughout our lives and it is very important to develop them. Throughout the trip, this skill was the one that was highlighted the most. Going as a huge group, we need to make sure that everyone around us is ok. Since the teachers could not be everywhere, it was important for us to help our friends. Adjusting and accepting are two very important qualities which were showcased while living in groups inside tents. From motivating your friends to completing the trek together, I built social skills in every manner possible. Encouraging each other, guiding each other, and most importantly living with everyone in peace. Not only this, the games we played, “7 stones”,  “save the world” and “Makaan Maalik” , we learnt a lot about working together as a part of a group .

Mount Abu helped me come out of my comfort zone, made me appreciate the beauty of nature and made me learn a lot of things. Spending time with your friends remains as a lifelong memory that very few forget. Such trips make life a little more worthwhile.



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