Beach Clean-Up

In commemoration of International Coastal Day, I took part in one of the largest beach cleanup operations in Surat. I took part in a beach cleaning in Dumas, Surat, where we were entrusted with clearing debris like as plastics that had been irresponsibly strewn on the Dumas Shore from various spots on the beach.

My CAS experience has given me a greater grasp of a critical environmental issue. This CAS experience has taught me how much waste we truly throw on the beaches and the potential harm it causes the ecology

Learning Outcomes:

LO:4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Because we lack consistency, most of us fail to stay dedicated to our goals. Things always seem to get in the way, causing us to wait, become sluggish, and lose attention. I displayed perseverance and devotion to the responsibility of beach cleaning, which required us to go and clear garbage from various locations along the beach.

LO:5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working collaboratively usually makes our chores simpler, and especially with this exercise, it made our jobs easier since working in small groups was more productive because it was faster and took less time. Working together rather than alone boosts productivity and provides group members with a sense of purpose in the event. Leadership and teamwork have a direct impact on a group’s ability to execute. Leadership is necessary to guarantee that everyone in your organization is on the same page and working toward the same goal.

LO:6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This CAS experience addressed the issue of land contamination, which arose as a result of people’s carelessness in discarding rubbish on beaches without thinking about the potential environmental implications. The global importance of filthy and contaminated coastal areas cannot be understated. Trash on beaches may end up as marine litter, affecting marine creatures and ecosystems in general. As a result, trash-filled beaches degrade the environment and endanger sustainability.

LO:7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

By taking part in this beach cleanup campaign, I became a part of this wonderful social cause to protect the oceans by removing toxins that imperil ocean life. This decision was ethical because of the societal benefit as well as my commitment to environmental sustainability.



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