Educational Trip ( Mt.Abu)

In this CAS experience, our grade went on an educational trip which was organized by our school and the place was Mt.Abu. The trip was of 4-5 days, there were many different activities planned, and we visited many different tourist places and many different spots for activities. Some of the activities we did were trekking, rock climbing, rappelling, caving, and other activities at the campsite. All these activities were challenging and physically challenging activities as they were located in the mountains and required physical and mental strength. The memories created during the trip will be cherished throughout my life. I also learned many different things throughout the trip.

LO1:- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

The strengths which I had and were known to me were the skills that were required for Rock climbing and rappelling as I had been doing this activity as a sport for the past 2 years pre-covid and the skills and the knowledge which were required for this activity was known to me and it was an upper hand advantage for me while performing this activity also the other strength which was known to me was my endurance which was required for trekking as we had treks which were of around 6-11 km which again requires lots of physical strength and endurance. The thing that I identified during this trip was the importance of understanding nature at the start of the trekking. I thought it would be easy to track and summit but I observed and saw many people found it difficult so it was important to work on physical and mental health.

LO2:- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As mentioned, the activities which were planned for the student required physical and mental strength to accomplish the goal which was meant to be achieved while performing the activity. A few challenges did occur during the whole trip; the one which many students face tough was waking up early morning as we live in our comfort zone in our daily life, so there were many students faced this issue but at the end of this trip, many students now don’t face any kind of difficulties to wake up early. The second challenge which was most of the students faced was to wake early and take a bath with cold water. Throughout this trip, I personally have overcome a few of the challenges mentioned above.

LO4:- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The commitment towards this educational trip was important as to finish and complete all this activity requires commitment and perseverance because if the person doesn’t give his 100 % then they might fail to do so. And the commitment that was shown by me and other students where visible as we all were able to perform all the activities and were able to complete the task on time.

LO5:- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The benefit of students working collaboratively with each other during this trip where visible as there were working on activities in pairs like climbing, rappelling, also at the campsite there were fun games planned for the students wherein the students have to their team and pick a ball and place it in a bucket while all of them where blindfolded and only the person guiding other students had his eyes open.






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