World Coastal Day Clean Up

Beaches are beautiful landmarks found in many places around the world with spectacular views of the ocean and sky. Millions of people enjoy them daily but they are also used as garbage dumping sites. We must remember that keeping our surroundings clean is our responsibility as citizens. To promote this, World Coastal Clean Up Day is celebrated in the third week of September, this time being on the 17th September.

Our school provided us with the opportunity to go clean Dumas beach – the beach in our city.

LO4: Cleaning big landmarks such as beaches is a task. It requires dedication and hard work. I, along with my friends, cleaned Dumas beach for roughly 3 hours and got quite a lot of trash out of the sand. I love engaging in physical activities and this was surprisingly fun as I also helped clean the environment.

LO5: As mentioned above, beaches are big landmarks and cleaning them requires effort from multiple people. As a school, we divided ourselves into groups of 4-5 people and spread ourselves around the beach. Each team had 2 baskets and 1 sack to collect the trash and we had to work collaboratively to efficiently clean the beach.

LO6: Cleanliness in our environment is a huge issue on a global scale. It is affecting marine and land life as animals unintentionally consume plastic and other waste that poses a fatal threat to them. By cleaning the beach, I am contributing in preventing this from happening and reducing the risk of possible animal endangerment and extinction.

LO7: Keeping our areas clean is our duty as citizens and I know that by volunteering to clean the beach, I did the right thing. By giving just a few hours, I was able to pick up so much trash from the beach which shows just how polluted these areas are and that how much of a difference we made when hundreds of us cleaned the beach together.

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