CAS Project – Organizing G12 Farewell

We as juniors have one responsibility, organizing the best farewell for our seniors. As a member of the core committee, we had started planning the farewell 2 and a half months prior to the actual event.

LO1: I knew what I am good at and when it comes to projects and after discussing each others strengths, we were assigned different departments. I was assigned to the logistics department.

LO2: This experience was something new for me. While I had some idea of what all will happen during the organisation and planning, this experience was something new for me. There were times when I did not understand what to do, but eventually everything turned out smooth.

LO3: As this is part of my CAS Project, I along with others initiated this plan, begun the preparation, assigned roles to volunteers, prepared the dance, handled logistics and managed the event as well.

LO4: This is a long task and required countless hours of planning, changing the plans and finalising new ones, then actually executing the same. After countless trials and errors, I along with the others was able to conduct such an amazing event and this required a lot of dedication.

LO5: This goes without saying that we were a team. All of the core committee members and volunteers were assigned specific tasks where their respective strengths lie. The outcome of this event is the demonstration and clear evidence of the benefit of working collaboratively.

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