Global Oddessey

Global Odyssey is the event where students are put into practice the concepts learnt in BM. One of the most important aspect for students is the need to understand use of funds and budgeting. To give us actual real life exposure. I kept food stalls for this particular event. This would be counted as an activity as this was something which involved physical activity and help me develop my physical ability such as teamwork. And moreover, my interest has always been my interest has always been keeping up stalls in this kind of fair for the purpose of making money myself and to be independent and to gain some knowledge as to how to run the small scaled business and have some experience about it. There were few struggles during this event which made me aware about the struggles of keeping such stalls, struggles like poor management, time management, etc. And also, i gained knowledge about how the profits are distributed and how to sell certain things and promote it. There are certain LO’s that were covered during performing this event.

LO2:- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

As mentioned earlier, keeping food stall collaboratively was not a problem but the challenges that were undertaken were the poor time management, this was evident when the people came to our stall and we were not able to serve the dish in sufficient time and hence impacting our image, so after some point of time we used some strategy and tried our best to manage our time properly and providing them with good service which resulted in developing new skill. Secondly, this event helped me portray my responsibility skills as to how to manage our stall and the ways to promote it with teamwork. And lastly, this event helped me make the very essential skill which is teamwork skills, this helped my shy nature to open up, work well and develop new relations and get more socialize.

LO4:- Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

In this event, we as a team were supposed to be deciding the food menu for our stalls and we worked on it for 1 month for deciding food items that were not so normal in our surrounding and come up with some new fusions or ideas or unique selling point and  then distributed our ingredients amongst each other which shows our responsibility and commitment towards this event.

LO5:- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

This event had a very vital responsibility of teamwork and working collaboratively as we had to distribute our roles for different purpose, like someone to cook food and someone to handle accounts so we had to work out collaboratively in order to achieve our profit and from which I was able to develop my skills to build social relations and leadership skills as to how to manage my stall and handle the customers.



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