Photography club(Clickit)

I participated in a photography club organized in the school called “Clickit”. In the photography club, we learned about types of photography, types of photography angles, and different things associated with photography like exposure, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, etc. We also learned some basics in photography editing.

As a result of my CAS experience, I will have a better understanding of how photography is done, what all things are, and what knowledge you require to do photography. I will also learn what things we should keep in mind while clicking a photograph and editing a photograph.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

In this CAS experience, I was able to identify that photography can be my strength as I am passionate about learning photography and editing. I feel very confident that now I am aware of my strengths. The reason why it is important to know your strengths is that by knowing what all things are my strengths I can better understand how to deal with my weaknesses

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The challenges I faced are that photography requires a basic understanding of the technical aspects such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. So I had to learn all the basics from the beginning to get a better understanding. Also to learn photography you require good equipment, like a good camera which has different functions like changing shutter speed, ISO, aperture, inbuilt filters, etc.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

The commitment required to complete this activity was that I committed that I want to learn something new and something I am really passionate about. Committing to things you like to do or are passionate about is easy.

The learner profile attributes that I developed as a result of this CAS experience are Knowledgeable because I will be learning a new thing that I am really passionate about and want to learn more about it.

CAS evidence:-


Some Photos taken by me:-

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