Beach Cleaning

On the Occasion of International World Coastal Day, I took a part in a campaign that went to Dumas Beach and we cleaned the whole beach together and I was also eager to participate in beach cleaning.

LOs met:

  • LO4 Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience
    I showed perseverance and commitment to the beach cleaning drive that was organised by the SMC(Surat Municipal Corporation) Commitment was important to finish this CAS experience because I had to wake up at 5 AM in the early morning and because I had to reach at 6 AM and then we had to clean the whole beach in 3 hours. There was limited time provided and I had committed to clean a specific area.I don’t view it hard to be persistent to what I committed.
  • LO5 Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively
    When we had to clean a large area like Dumas beach then you need to work collaboratively. So me and some of my friends decided to work together and cleaned a very large area of the beach.
  • LO6 Engagement with issues of global significance
    Beach is a place that should always remain clean but because of the peoples negligence the beaches gets dirty and this results into land pollution. The accumulation of garbage on beaches has the potential to become marine debris which can have negative consequences on marine creatures and their habitats. This realised my responsibility towards nature so that is why I participated in this event.
  • LO7 Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions
    Through my active involvement in this event I became part for this social cause and also took the opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining cleanliness initially I had questioned why it was necessary to keep beaches clean but after learning about the harm it causes to the environment I understood its significance and recognised the need to keep beaches clean.

Engaging in beach cleaning was a fulfilling experience and it has the potential to initiate a chain reaction where one persons actions can lead to significant transformations. During the course of the experience I became aware of the significant quantities of waste that we discard on beaches and the possible adverse effects this could have on our ecosystem.

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