Participating in school community service

As one of my cas experiences I participated at the school’s community service where I taught football to the unprivileged ones which was held at the weekends from 23 July 2022 to 7th August 2022 .

To be honest, I’ve been spoon feeded with great opportunities since I can remember . Taking the advantage of that I wanted to teach something I’m passionate about bringing out a change in the society. Hence for one of my CAS experiences I volunteered in the school’s community service with several other kids where we taught the less fortunate children about football . We wanted them to have the exposure of learning and fun together with us . While playing football was the obvious part we did provide them knowledge of the exercises that should be done moreover some lessons which are essential in football which taught them new skills and also help us gain some other skills as well.

This experience covers the service aspect of CAS as I contributed to bring a change in the society . I got the opportunity to use my knowledge in a way which help the children learn about something they don’t in their lives . Every volunteer provided attention to every child to prevent them to left out , taught them by their mistakes and put out a friendly environment overall.

There were multiple learning outcomes catered in this experience which were: LO 1 as football is something I’ve played for a few years but here I had to convey to them in such a manner so that they could understand , we had to converse majorly in gujarati which is not a language I practice besides patience was really important while teaching them as they were learning making mistakes and got distracted as well . this helped me understand how to teach patiently and calmly  . Secondly ,

LO 2 was fulfilled as I definitely gained new skills in this process which were communication and social skills. Communication skills as we had to be familiar with their language to make it easier for them to understand . Social skills as we were a group of students who were teaching them so working collaboratively was crucial to help come up with activities and strategies to make the most of our and their time which went mutually with

LO 6 . Lastly,  LO 7 as  understand the ethical impacts of my actions , come out of my comfort zone to assist these children so that they could keep this learning for their life .

The learner profile demonstrated during this experience was open-minded as all of us came from different and environments . Understanding their culture and backgrounds from this opportunity helped me grow personally and widen my perspectives and opinions .

To sum up , this experience had a sense a speciality in it which will help me cherish it for as long as I can remember . Those football kicks, smiles and dances at the end are unforgettable and I’m grateful to be a part of it during my school years.

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