Teacher’s Day Celebration – Creativity

Teacher’s Day is a unique day committed to celebrating and recognizing the contributions of teachers to society. The day is celebrated on October fifth. Teacher’s Day gave me an opportunity to show my gratitude towards all the teachers that have helped me and shaped me into a better person. We as students had decided to organize a special event made for just for teachers. This day would be packed with fun including dances, games, dj, etc. I chose to be in the organizing committee of this event specifically in the decor team as arts and craft is something I have always been good at thanks to my mom. This event took in total of 4 days and what we yielded out of it was more than satisfactory. All the teachers loved it and I felt honored to have been able to find a way to appreciate the efforts that they put in for me.

Through this experience I was able to cater to few LOs –

LO1 - As i’ve said before I am very good with arts and craft which became a strength for me in this experience. I was in the decor team and more focused to my work, I had to create envelopes that we were going to give to the teachers as gifts with appreciations and compliments that their students had given them. Another strength that I was able to identify and use in this experience was collaboration skills and working with my peers smoothly. It was really important here as we had to create more than 150 envelopes in a very limited time period.

LO5 - As identified before, I used collaboration skills and communication skills throughout this experience to make sure we were able to get everything done in time. These skills came into play when we had to divide our roles according to people’s preference as some people were really good at writing names while others were good at cutting sheets. By dividing the work based on their strengths, we were able to maximise the efficiency of the work done by us. This helped us complete our work before the date of the actual event.

Overall, this experience really helped me perform a good deed for all the teachers who really work hard for my development. This experience also helped me identify and use skills that were needed to get the job done and I can proudly say, it was a complete success.  


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