University Fair

Our school organized a Global University Fair where advocates of universities from across the globe came to present about their universities and the courses offered. Students from many other schools were invited to join this fair too.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

Throughout the fair, I identified my ability to communicate clearly as one of my assets. I was able to interact with students while advising them of a good university fit for them too. As even I am researching good colleges and courses, it is easier for me to get along with the students and provide them with advice and assistance.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Still, I was able to pinpoint some room for improvement during this experience. My ability to plan and organize things was one of these areas. I discovered that it was difficult for me to do the organizing effectively in a short period of time. Often, I needed help from other volunteers for this. This experience has inspired me to work on enhancing my future planning and organization abilities.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Also, I had to think about the ethics of my decisions and behavior during the fair. I took care to give balanced information about the colleges and their programs and to not in any way sway the kids’ decisions. Moreover, I and other volunteers made sure that the resources like cello tape, glue, chart papers, brochures, etc:- were used judiciously and not wasted. 

Overall, helping out at the university fair has enabled me to develop personally and academically. It has made it possible for me to pinpoint my areas of strength and development, learn new abilities, and become an overall better communicator. I’ve been able to demonstrate the communicative personality traits from the learner profile thanks to this experience.

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