Bal Mela

I volunteered at the Bal Mela 2023 which took place on the 25th of January in 2023 in fountainhead school. In this event, we invited underprivileged Children from over 15 schools to play team games and dance, and have overall fun. The kids that came had a lot of fun as this is not something that they get to experience on a day-to-day basis. I was at the game Threading the needle which involved throwing a frisbee through a HOOLALOOP. I was holding the hoolaloop and we gave tutorials to everyone who came to our venue.


LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills. : The Bal Mela included a lot of hard work and I faced the language barrier challenge. Not all kids knew a common language so we had to come up with a different solution. I used actions instead of words to show and give the tutorial and we took assistance from Didi to communicate in their language. This made me realize that I need to work on my language as I live in a country where there are many people who speak many different languages.

LO6- Engagement of Issues of Global Significance: Governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals can all take different actions to address these problems, such as ensuring that everyone has access to excellent healthcare, education, and basic necessities, lowering inequality and poverty, and fostering diversity and inclusion. It is crucial to work towards establishing a society in which every kid has an equal chance to prosper. I considered this as an opportunity to serve back to the community and help make the world a better place to live in.

LO7- Recognise and Consider the Ethics of Choices and Actions: It is moral to assist underprivileged children because it is a basic human right to have access to necessities like food, shelter, medical treatment, and education. Children who are raised in poverty frequently have to overcome significant obstacles that may have a negative effect on their future prospects, schooling, and physical and mental health. By assisting underprivileged children, we not only uphold our moral obligation to defend the rights of all people but also make an investment in the development of society.


Giving aid to underprivileged kids can also give me a feeling of direction and mean in life. It assisted me in growing my compassion, empathy, and comprehension of other people’s struggles. I also felt connected to society and had a sense of belonging when I was helping others.

I portrayed the learner profile as Caring, Communicator, and open-minded in the event. I welcomed all kids with an open mind and made them have a good time in our school as this is not what they experience on a daily basis. I cared and felt empathy for the underprivileged kids and made sure of all of them had a good time with me. I showed a skilled communicator by using a different language to communicate through a language barrier.

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