Nature Camp (Mount Abu)

We traveled to Mount Abu December 2022, a hill town in western India’s Rajasthan province located in the Aravalli Range. The activity that experience was a part of featured strenuous activities like trekking, rock climbing, caving, and more. Overall, the treks and adventure activities that I participated in were tough, entertaining, and unique, and they helped me build the Learner profile Risk-taker by overcoming unexpected circumstances with courage and forethought.

Learning Outcomes:

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

I had no idea what to anticipate from my first trek because it was my first. Thus, while trekking and doing other activities such as rock climbing and rappelling, I concentrated on the technique behind it and attempted to comprehend it to the best of my ability. Understanding my own limits enabled me to improve these weaknesses and convert them into positives.

LOI-2: Demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken, and developing new skills was shown.

We went on our first trek on the very first day of the camp. While it was a demanding experience, I attempted to comprehend the abilities involved because I knew the upcoming trek would be much longer and more thrilling. This gave me the ability to maintain my enthusiasm throughout all the subsequent treks.

LO-5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

The organizers used to set up team games and events for us to participate in after our trek, which helped us improve our ability to work together. Even our mentors joined in on these activities, which boosted our enthusiasm. I was able to truly develop my skills and learn how to collaborate with a team to complete a task quickly and orderly.

LO-7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Mount Abu is well-known for its tourism, which, although beneficial to the local economy, is detrimental to the environment and its beauty. To prevent litter and water waste, we used all of our resources wisely and brought a plastic bag with us on our trip to collect our rubbish. It was encouraging to see everyone being mindful of their actions that may have harmed the environment in some manner.


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