Mount Abu Trip

I always had a passion for outdoor hiking and trekking. When school gave us the opportunity to go to Mount Abu I was very excited to go. This trip included all my friends and family and we had a lot of fun. We did 3 trekking routes, mountain climbing, and rappelling, amongst others.

Trekking, or long-distance walking over rugged terrain, can offer numerous benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

we also did rappelling – Rappelling, also known as abseiling, involves descending a vertical surface using a rope and specialized equipment. This activity is often used in outdoor recreation, such as rock climbing or canyoning. Here are some potential benefits of rappelling.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth: During the Trekking experience, I was not able to keep up with everyone and found it pointless and boring, because it felt like it was not going to end. Or sometimes I won’t be able to finish. But I kept a steady state of mind and completed all the treks. I completed the treks with full endurance and stamina. In the last few days, I also fell a little sick and hence wasn’t able to keep up with everyone, but with the support of teachers and students, I completed all activities and had fun.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills: I faced many challenges while trekking. I had a height phobia and was getting scared on many points in the climb, this caused headaches, and nausea too. But I overcame the fear of heights and also didn’t get fatigued or anything. I also get scared of bugs and insects but while sleeping in the tent I overcame that fear too. Also, this was one of my first experiences staying away from my parents for so long. But I had a lot of fun and developed new skills too.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively: We had to work collaboratively and in groups along with our peers and teachers to survive in the cold and also stranded forest. We helped each other by staying close, helping others walk, and providing water or other help if anyone needs it. We also played team games and completed all the games and won too. Our team got the winning perk of Maggi for dinner at night by the campfire.


I displayed the Learner profile risk taker and courage as I took risks with my life to complete mountain climbing, rappelling, trekking, etc. This way my physical ability was put to test.

Evidence - 

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