Food stall in Global odyssey

Global odyssey is a combined event between business management and economics. In this event me and my group opened a food stall. The event gave me a better understanding on how to run a business.

In terms of CAS component,  service  was followed as by the end of the event we donated 5 percent of our profit to charity. I also to apply the concepts I have learned in business management and economics to run a business.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Accounting and calculating cost profit is one of the areas where I can grow as I am weak in maths hence I decided to work on the accounting and calculating cost side of the stall to develop these areas.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Running a food stall in global odyssey required planning as we had to decide on the food items in the stall, calculate cost and profit, distribute our duties and confirm our ideas with the organising committee which required planning.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

We had to work in a group in global odyssey which was really beneficial as we distributed our duties equally which made everyone’s work easier. Communication skills were developed as we had to communicate within our group as everyone had different opinions on how to run the stall and we had to reach a common ground whenever we had difference in opinion which helped my develop my communication skills.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Running a business even though it was small scale made me realise the value of money as I realised how hard it is to earn money because of which I made the choice to not spend money if it is not needed.

Learner profile knowledgable was demonstrated as I had to apply the knowledge of business management to run a stall in global odyssey. Communicators was demonstrated as we had to communicate within our team and organising committee during the planning stage so that everything runs smoothly during the event. Risk taker was demonstrated as we took risk by investing our own money in global odyssey and we could have gone in loss while running the business. Reflective as we had to reflect on our strength and weakness once global odyssey was over so that we could realise what mistakes did we make and how could we improve next time.

Global odyssey was an enriching experience as I this was the first time I applied my knowledge of business management in real life and I realised that how hard it is to run a business.

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