Monsoon Musings

I have a long-standing love for literature. It’s the ideal way to convey feelings and emotions, especially those that are difficult to verbalize or the one we feel too intensely. Individuals frequently think more than  they speak, so having a medium to write down your thoughts and even to make your missiers  beautiful is wonderful. I’ve come to realize that there is more to words than meets the eye which is why I enjoy reading or listening to other people’s write up;s  just as much as I enjoy writing my own.One occasion that enabled me to do that was Monsoon Musings. We used this event as a platform to bring together literature  lovers, provide them a place to express their thoughts,to  listen and appreciate thoughts of others, while also appreciating the simplicity and beauty of literature. I was one of the three student event coordinators for this event.

LO3 : I like to think of myself as an organized person but in reality i am not. I struggle to stay organized especially when it comes to completing tasks and having my priorities sorted. I try however to keep myself organized. One way i do so is by making lists. I sort my lists by priority as to what needs to be done first and what can be done a little later which helps until i can keep track of it.An essential part of leading an event is to stay organized, staying organized here meaning completing all tasks on time while managing everything else. Like mentioned before, i already struggle with staying organized and it was one of the biggest challenges i face during this event. 

When i look back, planning the whole event was an easy task, the coordinators had their a lot of good ideas and inspiration from previous seasons of the events however implementation was what i found comparatively difficult, firstly due to lack of time secondly due to lack of communication between students and the teachers, last minute changes and one delay leading to another. One thing I learned throughout the process is that even if it is difficult, you should have great communication and collaboration skills followed with excellent time management sense which we somehow lacked but surely learned through the process. This particular learning experience will help me plan and implement ideas better next time. It is essential to know how to plan and initiate an activity especially when being a leader because your team follows you, the kind of motivation you give out is the kind they receive and to have a perfect timely scheduled plan with assigned duties along with deadlines is essential to have the activity start and complete on time thus making it a success. 

LO4 :We had only a week or two to plan the whole event and a lot of assessments and assignments to complete in the same duration of time and so it was difficult to commit to the event fully. I lacked motivation a lot of times to get things done hoping they would do themselves and I often had difficulties in prioritizing and managing my tasks. It made me feel overwhelmed and frustrated however I had asked for the opportunity and now it was my responsibility to make the event a success which is where a lot of perseverance and commitment was required.

Here, the commitment to show affection for my job and a sense of obligation to complete it with dignity was required. Committing to tasks isn’t essentially something that comes naturally to me, I get over my interests really quick and I decide to quit and lose interest when things don’t work my way. True commitment prevents anything from preventing you from achieving what you set out to do; instead, it encourages you to find ways around or through any challenges that may arise on the path to achieving the goal. Commitment is crucial because it helps you overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goals and this is why it’s so essential.

LO5 : I’m a naturally collaborative person, so working in a group comes effortlessly to me. As a result of my lack of confidence in others to perform tasks perfectly and on time, I frequently take the initiative and manage the group. However, during this particular activity, there were alot of ideas and alot of clash of ideas sometimes between the 4 leaders but mostly between the leaders and the teachers. We and the teachers had two different visions and to cater to both created conflict at times which is what made collaboration difficult in this case.We often used to understand the teacher’s needs first and then construct our ideas in such a way that it considers to their needs while still being our idea. Because we will encounter all types of people throughout our lives and occasionally have to deal with people we find challenging, social skills are a crucial component of key life skills. The best way to deal with conflicts is to communicate and to be considerate and patient. As I work on projects in the future, either as a leader or team member, I should be able to respect others’ viewpoints, trust my team while equally participating in the process.

During the whole process of this activity, I developed the learner profile open-minded, communicator and thinker the most. Open-minded while accepting the point of view and staying receptive to new points of views. Communicator and thinker while putting the event together and problem solving along the way. Monsoon musings acted like a great platform for everybody to express their ideas and their thoughts. It also helped people appreciate the speakers and gain motivation to try and voice their own opinions. Even though we faced some challenges along the way, like the venue being too hot, the timings being altered, the event overall was a success which made me realize that all efforts are always rewarded and worth the result. 

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