Learning Football

Previously few years have been life changing for me because of a sport that I had never seen or shown interest before. “football”, a sport that was always in back of my mind also the last thing to play if possible with my friends on the weekends. Some how I got curiosity and interest in a player that pulled me to learn more about the sport.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As a beginner I had to learn from scratch. I started watching videos online and replayed the same ones several times. For me it looked a lot like smooth,fresh, fairytale/video game, and  even easy. You pass/ get the pass and then hit it inside the net and you will have a goal. But it was more than just that and much more difficult to do. I had to learn different vocabularies like trivela, curler, knuckleball, etc. I try to do different skills and basic actions like passing long range in a straight line, short range but quick, long range with a curl. shooting from distances with different techniques, taking freekicks, taking penalties, scoring from headers. All these things I was no way near to the people who play football in PS at school.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process .

The challenges that I have faced during the process of learning the sport is mostly to what to start with and what to absorb from the information i am watching. I had to ask my friends about football and observe them doing what a normal player does or should while practicing. I had to figure out for a long while in the starting months of learning that this should be my objective for the day when get time after school and tasks given by school. In the process I developed my hand eye coordination skills with the ball and fine motor skills.

LO3 : initiate and plan a CAS experience.

I had to prepare a schedule for everyday for almost a year in my mind. I would do it day by day for a single month, then change it for the next month because of the rest work I had from school. and plan different drills for the time I was left with for the day and execute it. I would extend the same practice drills for a few more days if not done efficiently for the first day.

LO4 : Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

There were many days while learning everyday about football when I felt exhausted/tired after coming from school or the weekends. I still had to push myself and determine to the new routine I had to follow.

LO5 (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)-

During our playtime in school I played football matches with my friends and communicated with them during the whole duration. It helped me learn what others think in their mind while playing. It enhanced the chemistry between us and the fluency of the team I was in. Better communication benefited me reducing my selfishness and pass the ball to my teammates to contribute in winning the game in the end.

LO6 (Engagement with issues of global significance)-

SDG 3 good health and well being is associated with my experience as throughout the process I have been indirectly trying to keep my body in shape which helps me exceed my limits in  knowledge about physical fitness and requirements when performing certain drills or playing match.

LO7 (Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)-

This experience taught me to identify and think about the ethics of my choices and actions. This is because this event taught me the ethics of perseverance and determination. It also required me to show the ethics of correcting my friends/ showing my friends “sportsmanship” and “professionalism” .

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O1vGqfwjZA[/embedyt]




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