Important topics are raised at conferences like FSMUN. There is a focus on environmental preservation, social and economic development, and peacekeeping. The objective is to provide kids the chance to interact with others and work together to learn more about the world. With MUN, we may better grasp the inner workings of the UN and develop the negotiation, compromise, and decision-making abilities that enable us to effect change and address issues.Also, it offers us the chance to polish our public speaking abilities and boost our overall confidence, which will help us in our careers and provide us the chance to develop into stronger leaders. Being knowledgeable, confident and believable is half the battle.

I chose to volunteer for the MUN planning at Fountainhead School as a part of my CAS experience. Having participated in a few MUNs myself, I am aware that it is a rewarding experience for the delegates, but I have always been intrigued and keen on discovering how the committee plans and completes all of its tasks flawlessly, which piqued my interest in being a part of this FSMUN’s organizing committee rather than as a delegate. My role as a member of the OC was to take care of the socials, from the planning to the decor down till D-day. 

LO1 :I learned a lot about myself during the course of the MUN experience, which lasted more than two months. The main lesson I’ve learned is how to recognise my own skills and shortcomings, which I’d like to use as a foundation for future conduct that’s more fluid. I was aware that performing the creative task—in this case, socials—was where I excelled. The area of socials among the others required the most originality, so I made the decision to join that team with four other people. I learned that my strengths are my ability to be creative, to step up and take charge when necessary along with the newly habituated patience I have come to develop with people. My weakness, however, is that I lose my temper easily when plans don’t work out the way we had hoped they would and that I become extremely irate and angry when other team members don’t take tasks seriously. These tendencies negatively impacted my relationships with the other OC members who were providing assistance, and remaining polite and positive would have produced better results. To play the correct position in a team and ensure that everyone works to the best of their abilities, it is crucial to be aware of one’s skills and weaknesses.

LO2 :Many difficulties were encountered both before and during the event. It was challenging to complete the work on time because many volunteers would occasionally cancel on us and we would receive resources at a later date or the wrong ones due to miscommunication. Because of our tight budget, everything needed to be carefully considered, both critically and creatively, where thinking skills were extremely important especially while deciding to keep the decor co-ordinated while still  being under budget .  Even though everything went as planned, there were a few issues we faced on the day of the event, such as committees lacking resources, delegates or the chairmen wanting something, or a lack of OC in rooms. In these occasions, my decision-making abilities enabled me to rapidly decide and solve problems where I would try to solve the issue or if I had my hands full, I would ask other team mates to.

LO4 :Committing doesn’t come naturally to me; after a while, I usually start to wonder if the particular thing is worth committing to, but because this was an event that involved not only our school and its students but also other schools and chairs from other cities, it was crucial to remain committed to the process the entire time, especially with the OC serving as the event’s main organizing force. I fulfilled my commitment by contributing ideas, completing my job assignments on time, assisting others with their assignments, showing up early when required and finishing the work before and on D-day.

Even though it was a lot of effort and hustle most of the time, FSMUN 9.O was an experience I will never forget. I recall exchanging many laughs and having the finest time of my life with my friends. I also recall being frustrated when we didn’t have enough posters to cover the stage’s backdrop, but I refrained from complaining and instead considered solutions. The nicest part, however, was how the socials turned out; I heard delegates saying that the socs were the finest part of the MUn, which made me happy because it took a lot of work to make it happen. The highlight of the event however, will always be the band performance and our chairs inviting us on stage for a brief display of appreciation for the dedication we demonstrated to serving on our assigned committees. Throughout the process, I gave evidence of the learner profile traits of communicator, thinker, and balanced. 

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