FS got talent ; CAS project

That one event, Fs Got Talent, will always hold a very special place in my heart. Since this was the first event of the new academic year, it is safe to conclude that it served as the official opening of the year. I’ve always wanted to oversee a pilot event, one that I would create entirely from scratch and one that will serve as a model for future seasons and this was just it. I was the event coo-rdinator for the event along with other 3 coordinators. The Fs Got Talent contest provided a stage for students from around the school to participate and display their skills in a variety of categories, including dance, music, theater, poetry, fashion, and art. 

LO1: I was able to consider my strengths and weaknesses thanks to this encounter. Since I am competent at deciding the event’s flow as well as organizing decorations and energizing the event, I took responsibility for that. I am not as talented as the other organizers at designing graphic aspects like posters and public speaking and so they took charge of that. This experience made me aware of my skills and limitations and made me realize that I should focus on my areas of strength when it comes to events like these. 

LO3 :Talking about myself. I am organized in the sense of my belongings and my own self but when it comes to assignments and tasks, I tend to get unorganized. But since this was a pilot event, all in our hands, it was essential to stay organized with it and to do the same I simply prioritize my tasks. Since, we had zero idea how to go with it initially, considering it was happening for the first time, the planning took quite a while, from what categories to keep to what rewards to what judges to the venues to the smallest of detail. Initiating wasn’t necessarily easy either, some ideas did not end up working last minute and so instant changes had to be made but all in all the event was a huge success. Time-management and communication were two skills essential for this event which are also the two skills I developed along the way. These will help me plan future events better. 

LO4 :Taking in consideration that this was the first event of the year and the first event I got to lead, I wanted it to roll out well and so I stayed committed to it throughout the process. I attended every early in schedule, worked with all teachers and coordinators, took out time whenever asked for and worked breathlessly on the last few days till the event to ensure it becomes a success. Since it depended on us, whether or not this event will be continued for the years to come, we all were even more motivated to make it a success. 

LO5: Working in a group comes easy to me at times and not sometimes. It depends on the kind of people I work with and how much my vision matches theirs. As mentioned before, there were a total of 4 co-ordinators, all with different ideas and opinions from one another and so it was difficult to work collaboratively. We assigned roles and obligations to each other based on our respective skills and weaknesses, and we all cooperated. Although there were times when our teamwork was a little shaky and we missed a few deadlines, we all recovered, revised our plans, and finished our tasks fast, leaving very little room for error at the conclusion of the event.

LO7: Since we had a lot of entries and comparatively very little time, we decided to only select a handful from the entries we got. We stayed ethical here, we choose people according to their ability rather than how well we know them or any other such factor. We also choose judges that we knew would cause no bias. 

I demonstrated a few learner profile attributes throughout the process which are as follows;

  • communicator , while communicating with coordinators, teachers, participants and other involved individuals.
  • balanced, while balancing out both studies and the event planning 
  • reflective, while reflecting on the mistakes made throughout the process and not repeating them again in and outside the event.
  • thinker, both creative and critical while doing problem solving mid-event and while forming strategies and planning the whole event. 

The day of the event was very stressful, since a lot of things didn’t go as planned and a worry was evident because of the same as to if we will be able to lead the event successfully or not but it’s safe to say that at the end of the day, the event was a huge hit with a lot of positive reviews from all the audience. The highlight for me of the event was the unplanned fashion show performed by grade 7 students. I remember running out of time and sending a kid half clothed with shirt buttons off on the stage and it turned out to be really hilarious and everyone had a good laugh. The event taught me a lot, the biggest learning being how events work along with the great experience it left me with.

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