Beach Cleaning

CAS – Service – Dumas Beach Cleaning

The SMC had organized a city wide clean up campaign for the Dumas Beach on the 17th of September for the International Coastal Clean-Up Day. There were multiple activities organized on the beach, to attract more volunteers for the beach cleaning activity. There were resources provided by the SMC like gloves and caps, to ensure that everyone can take part in cleaning the beach hygienically. There were groups divided to cover different areas of the beach, from where the trash was collected using rakes and sacks to store them in. There was a wide variety of trash found from glass bottles, to plastic bags and much more. At last, the trash collected was submitted to the SMC organizers for them to then dispose safely of the trash.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

The SMC had instructed to create groups and divide equally throughout the beach to pickup trash from majority of the areas in the beach. Therefore, we had created groups and divided tasks amongst us, like, one person carried the bag to pick up trash, whilst the other used shovels to dig trash up. This resulted in an efficient cleaning process. Along with the collaborating with the group, there were also hundreds of other people on the beach that were participating for this cause.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance

The beach cleaning drive was organized to ensure that the marine life isn’t harmed due to our actions. Alongside, it also promotes cleanliness and sanity throughout the city, by taking Dumas (a local beach) as an example. This focuses on the SDGs, Climate Action, Life Below Water, as it focuses on keeping our environment clean and free of pollutants. This was one of the main reasons behind my participation for this drive, which was the focus on issues with global significance, with taking part in cleaning, but also in promoting the message to other people in the city.



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