I had taken a part in a FSMUN as an Lok Sabha delegate . Essentially MUN considers many board of trustees which examine on different worldwide topics where representatives of various nations banter in a proper way and talk about the goals the nations will acknowledge .

LOs met:

  • LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
    This was my first MUN so I was eager to participate in this and participating in MUN provided me with the opportunity to enhance my proficiency in current affairs and improve my research skills by thoroughly studying the agendas of the committees. This allowed me to strengthen my existing knowledge and my ability to evaluate information.
  • LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
    The opening speech sets the initial impression of your persona for the two day conference and it is more significant and overwhelming than your clothing. The speech typically lasts for one to two minutes. As this was the first time I participated in MUN I was a bit nervous and uncertain about the proceedings since I was still trying to grasp the concept and was unfamiliar with all the rules and regulations I got to know that I need to work upon my public speaking skills and I developed my leadership skills, research, writing, and problem-solving skills.
  • LO4 Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience
    My perseverance and commitment in participating in the MUN were apparent as I proactively thought to understand the committees goals and objectives as well as the agenda in great detail. This allowed me to prepare efficiently for the MUN. In conclusion I showed perseverance and commitment in adequately preparing for this MUN.
  • LO5 Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively
    MUN provides opportunities to meet new people engage with unfamiliar faces, collaborate in teams to create resolutions for assigned tasks, and confidently express opinions. The entire MUN experience from preparation to discussions, debates, and resolutions and contributes to increase in the confidence.
  • LO7 Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions
    The committee views any remarks made by a delegate representing a political party during the MUN as an official statement that could have global implications.We examined numerous domestic concerns and arrived at more ethical solutions through our discussions.

    My involvement in an MUN as part of my CAS experience enhanced my research abilities and expanded my understanding of global disputes, international affairs.

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