Recently , I had participated in an business Event organized by Business management and Economics Students .The students were divided in groups and were supposed to sell goods . Moreover there were many categories such as Games , Food Stalls , Stationary .Furthermore I and my peers organized an food stall with Pizza and Samosa ,the main motto behind the organization was to get an real-life understanding about concepts of economics and business’ management  such as understanding the demand and practicing price control by keeping in mind the demand of the goods so we can maximize our profits and minimize our losses .Moreover the event’s main aim was to generate donations for organizations and to further provide aid to poor people .For which we decided to donate 5% of the revenue for the novel cause .

LO 1 : While talking about Global Odyssey our group divided our roles within  ourselves where I selected to make pizza’s and handle the garnishing and making the pizza from the base without any support from my peers .moreover as making pizza was an tedious job and my peers were occupied with less intensive roles .Furthermore completion of my role made me identified that I was able to perform multitasking skills which were developed more than others .

LO 2 : The challenges which were undertaken was all about perfectionism in the creation of the pizza. As I mentioned above that I handled making of pizza single handedly which was an huge barrier for achieving perfectionism due to which some customers did complaint , hence I took the problem in focus and worked on the same with full accuracy and did coped up with the challenge .Moreover undertaking this challenge was very necessary because if the product had still lacked in the perfection so more customers would resist buying food from our stall which would had led us to bear loss while as we undertook this problem we made profits .

LO 3 : The opportunity for initiating the CAS plan , was initiated when Economics and BM Teachers came up with the concept of Global Odyssey. Which firstly seemed very interesting for me because I was eager to learn the real-life application of the concepts taught during the classroom learning .Moreover we made groups and decided unique food items which consisted of collaboration skills which was involved through out the experience extensively .

LO 4 : I showcased commitment and perseverance throughout the experience .I retrained me from being lethargic while I actively engaged during the global Odyssey .Not only by making the global odyssey success in terms of event organization but I even showed commitment in sense of calculating the profits very precisely as this helped me to a greater extent as while running an business the main commitment is to run the business profitably which I did kept as my one of the main priority .

LO 5 : Working collaboratively made me develop on communications skills as working in an group consists of discussions for the prosperity of business. Which taught me further about making joint decisions nevertheless working with the group even consisted conflict of interest because the perspectives and the ideas were very different .Hence coming to an conclusion we made rational choice taking an account of profits and forecasting the sales of the food items which helped us make more precise decisions .

LO 6 : The Global Issue occurs, when I talk about traditional schooling industry it is mostly about theoretical understanding and acquaintance . Moreover our learning programme gave us an opportunity to understand the real life application of certain concepts which are very useful for learner when they enter Entrepreneurship ,yet when these concepts are restrained till books they create barriers for students hence participating in such event gave me the opportunity to overcome or move closer to solve this global issue significantly .

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