Urban Homeless Shelter|Cultural Capsule

Cultural capsule, a student lead event where some students volunteered with the intent of educating people about Indian culture. On this drive, we went to an urban homeless shelter and conducted activities/games for the kids and even went to an old age home to meet the people who were abandoned by their own family. I volunteered to spend time with old people. The whole experience left me overwhelmed about the fact how we take relationships for granted. Interacting with the old people made me realize how our own grandparents need us and we don’t take time out of our day to talk to them and appreciate them. I felt so grateful after this experience, and promised myself to visit these places frequently.

The following LO’s were met:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of my biggest strengths is to listen and empathize with people. This skill helped me a lot with the experience at an old age home. I was able to understand their pain and listen to their story. They told us that they have no family who can come to visit them and how they were really touched by the fact that I took time out and listened to their sorrows. My strength to empathize with them made them feel wanted and important for them to not give up on life.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in process

While I was able to interact and communicate with most of the people there, not everyone was that easy to communicate with, there were instances where it was difficult for them to tell their situation and made them really emotional but I kept trying to make them feel that it was a safe environment for them to show how actual felt and it was ok to lean on us. It was also difficult for me to not break down and be strong for them. They blessed us all and became familiar as the time passed.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

This whole experience was not easy to go through, there were some of us who couldn’t remain strong for the people. Some of us even broke into tears because the story of each individual was very heartbreaking to hear. We made sure to step out if any of our members felt too overwhelmed, we also made sure to help them out if they were struggling with the conservations, we all were there for each other. We can say that when one felt weak there were 5 others to stand strong for that person. This event would not have succeeded if it was not for the amazing team we had.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This experience projected the SDG goal of good health and well being as we took care of these old people and made sure to complete the requirements they needed from us. We took care of their well being and provided them with love and care which they deserved.  By providing care and support to elderly residents who had limited access to resources and services in their life, we contribute towards reducing inequalities. By working together with the staff and other volunteers at the old age home, we helped build partnerships and collaborate towards achieving the goal. 

LO7: Recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and action.

Knowing that the above topic was very sensitive, we had to put in extra effort to make sure that our actions and events do not hurt anyone’s sentimental, or beliefs in any such way. Knowing that these things are very upsetting to be offended, as we personally do not know all about some-ones personal story. We have to consider the ethics of what we post on social media, what activities can be interpreted as, and at last, could it affect someone in a wrong way.


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