Learning maths using physics for the PI day

We all know that International Mathematics Day (or simply Pi Day) is celebrated on 14 march which is a day we celebrate mathematics and specifically PI. PI is a constant variable used in mathematics subjects which has a value of 22/7 or 3.14159….. and so on which makes it very irrational. It is celebrated on that day 14th of March because the date is 14/3/2023 which is the reverse for 3.14 of PI.


LO1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled) –

Pi day was a real challenge for me as because as the time to prepare was decreasing the number of problems was increasing. Many academic due tasks were being sententiously handled with the preparation of PI day. There were many times in this when I thought of giving up or finding alternatives where I was able to complete them on time.

LO2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills) –

There were challenges in the preparation like when we had to make things in free slots/self-study, to have people helping (carpenter, lab-coordinator), last minute quitting by teammates, etc. But then also I was able to complete the tasks and develop skills of risk-taking and open-mindedness.

LO4 (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience) –

I was committed to my CAS experience as I was able to do work in my free slots for making models and also had to come early in many times on my accounts for that. I was able to get as help as much I got for the model.


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