Baking & Donating Brownies

Brownies are a universally loved dessert in many homes, known for their chocolatey chewiness and that amazing flaky top. From weighing the ingredients to decorating the finished result, I like every step of baking. Baking is a fantastic way for me to unwind and de-stress, and I always like seeing the finished product.

One manner to assist the impoverished is by providing meals, so I grabbed the chance and started baking every weekend delivering the baked brownies to different spots. By doing this, I was able to better understand the value of food and other resources, which are sometimes simple to obtain but may be challenging for certain individuals to purchase even in small amounts. This brought me motivation to help more people and increased my respect for the resources I had access to and the individuals with whom I could share them.

While demonstrating this CAS experience, I demonstrated the following LO’s:

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Donating food to underprivileged and impoverished people, is a moral value and a sense of responsibility towards the society we live in for me. This ethical issue affects me a lot, I feel there should be equity, sharing something which I have with the ones who don’t have given me satisfaction. Food is considered to be a basic necessity, accessibility for all the basic necessities should be there for each and everyone. 

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

India is a crucial area of focus for the fight against hunger on a global scale because it is home to a quarter of all undernourished people worldwide. The minimum nutritional intake decreased even though the per capita income more than tripled during the previous two decades. Without any questions, we know that many people sleep hungry in India. My only purpose was to fill their stomach with food. 

The learner profiles developed through the process are caring and risk-taker. Caring, showing empathy, compassion and respect towards the underprivileged people by serving with delicious brownies, showing commitment to service, creating a positive difference in the society around us. Risk taker, although baking is my passion, but it was my first experience making brownies, I have never tried to make it, it was difficult to try a completely new recipe. Since there was always a risk of the brownies burning which may influence the taste, it resulted in a bad experience. 



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