Nature Trip to Mount Abu ( Activity)


After 3 years, our school was finally taking us to a field trip in Mount Abu. This trip was full of adventure , fun and new learning . Throughout the trip we learned trekking and rock climbing and various other small skills which helped me fulfill my learning objectives.


Trekking was new to me and I was ready to take upon this new challenge. Being adventurous and sporty , trekking was the perfect new activity for me to try . Rock climbing was another such activity which required skills and I was ready to take upon that challenge . To be honest I was scared throughout the experience but to overcome that fear was a challenge in itself.


Perseverance and commitment were the two most important factors throughout the trip . During trekking i had to be committed every second , be committed about the very next step overcoming the fear of falling . Giving up was not an option away from camp hence i was committed . On day 3 we had a long trek and the trek was a little risky but commitment was again important and with it i completed the trek despite difficulties.


During the whole trip we were a big group of students and hence working collaboratively was essential. On trek working together helped us to be safe , trek efficiently , help each other and even enjoy the experience . This CAS experience helped me understand the importance of working together and how it can help each of us group respectively. 


CAS Supervisor form is filled by :- SANKET BHAMBHANI





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