
cycling strengthens bones and increase muscle strength and flexibility.cycling prevents serious injuries and also it is fun to ride a cycle , as it can be done daily as a routine. Cas helped me to start cycling again after covid which benefited me a lot. As I wanted to improve my muscle and flexibility.

Lo 1-  Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

To gauge my physical fitness, I decided to test my cycling endurance. After just one month of consistent cycling, I was able to cycle continuously for one hour. Despite feeling fatigued after cycling for over an hour, I persevered and challenged myself to surpass my limits. However, I realized that I needed to focus on strengthening my legs as well as building my stamina. I aim to improve these areas of weakness by incorporating more targeted exercises into my fitness routine and gradually increasing my cycling duration. By doing so, I hope to achieve even greater levels of endurance and fitness.

Lo 2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

One of the most challenging aspects of cycling was assessing our level of fitness and determining our ability to perform the task. The traffic in the area was a significant obstacle, making it difficult to navigate through busy roads and streets. Moreover, the speed of the cars in the city often exceeded the legal limit, posing a danger to cyclists. Another challenge was dealing with a flat tire, which can occur due to the pressure applied on the bike, especially in crowded places, making it difficult to continue the ride. Additionally, it can be challenging to find the motivation to cycle every day. Despite these obstacles, cycling can be a rewarding and enjoyable way to commute, exercise, and help the environment.

Lo 6 - Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Opting for active transportation, such as cycling, over driving, not only benefits our local communities, but it also has a significant impact on a global scale. By reducing carbon emissions, we contribute to efforts aimed at mitigating climate change and its consequences, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events. Furthermore, promoting the use of active transportation can help create a cultural shift towards sustainable modes of transportation, leading to long-term benefits for our planet’s health. Ultimately, by choosing to cycle instead of drive, we can create more environmentally friendly, healthier, and less stressful communities for everyone to live in.

Overall – cycling can Not only is it a fun and engaging activity, but it also has numerous physical and mental health benefits . I was able to  develop my physical fitness and endurance, as well as improve mine balance and coordination.cycling can be a way to explore the natural world, engage with local communities, and promote sustainable transportation.

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