Participating in a Football Tournament

I have always been more towards sports.I like playing different sports. My favorite sport though is cricket,I have been playing cricket since I was 7. Even I have participated in a lot of tournaments in cricket but this time I got a chance to play in a football tournament with my friends.I use to play football before but a tournament was a whole new experience. Participating in such tournaments has helped me to come out of my comfort zone.


I was easily able to identify my strengths and weaknesses after playing the tournament like i was able to play the sport really well like running, shooting the ball, and defending the football the problem i faced during the tournament was i didn’t know all the rules of the game i just knew the basics which made a lot of difference during the games i played in the tournament. Knowing my weaknesses has helped me as i now i know what i have to better next i play the game and what are the things that a football player has to keep in mind while playing the game.


It was really hard for me to play a new sport which i have just played a little and just knew a little about. It was a tough sport to play as I was new to the rules and the game cause i have never played an actual football match before. I actually felt good uptaking this challenge because the experience of the tournament was worth it, I really enjoyed playing in the tournament. Taking Such challenges are good as it helps you to extend your limits and it also helps you to explore our abilities in different sports.


Football is a team sport so communication with the members is very important. Also working with others makes the work much easier. In this tournament, it was easy for me to work with the others as all the members of my team were my friends and we have played football in our playtime together for quite a few days. There were a few miscommunications as I was not aware of my peer’s abilities like how fast they can run, how good are at shooting the ball, etc. But overall working collaboratively was very beneficial to me and my team.


Football is a game of spirit and fairness like other games. There were times when seeing a few players roughly, we thought to try it too, to win but at the end decided to play fair whether we win or lose.


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