CAS Experience 4 – Bal Mela

For one of my CAS experiences, I volunteered with many other students to help the school conduct Bal Mela. Bal Mela is the biggest event of the year, where we invite underprivileged children from various SMC and village schools to enjoy different sports, arts, music & dance give them exposure and spare joy with them; this year, Bal Mela was organized on the 25th of February; there were students from nearby villages and from over 15 school who were present in this event; Bal Mela is a service experience for me; I took part as a Volunteer in this event, My role was to make students do Sack Race with some of my peers I was able to perform with excellence.


As part of this experience, I planned to meet multiple Learning Outcomes and contribute to multiple Sustainable Development Goals. This experience casts the sustainable development goal of ten reduced Inequalities / No Poverty.


Learning Outcomes :

LO2 [Challenge & Skills] :I face the barrier of communication,Since not all children spoke the same tongue, we had to find an alternative approach. I demonstrated and provided the tutorial using my body rather than words, and Didi helped us converse in their language. As I live in a country where many people speak a variety of languages, this made me understand that I need to practice my language skills.


LO4 [Working Collaboratively with others] :

As this event was a big event with a lot of student volunteers and over 200+ Students who came to this fair, It was hard to manage and handle students as they were of range ages, alongside it was important to respect people in my team and to work collaboratively with them to bring fruitful results. 


LO6 [Global Engagement] :

Lack of Exposure is a major reason for wrong dissections, which tend to be made by these people, and spreading joy with them is important and helps keep up the human development index.


Learner Profile : 


Open-Minded: Throughout the event, I found myself Encouraging those students to try new things, Exposing them to different activities, and respecting and considering their perspective, which helped me be open-minded.


Communicator: I successfully expressed my ideas and communicated confidently to children about the game they played in their local language, “Gujarati”.


In the end, This experience helped me develop as a person. I was able to experience and spread joy with people who need it the most.


Evidence : 

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