
Cycling increases endurance and strength. This may help to build stronger bones and reduce body fat. Even enhancing joint mobility and muscle strength and flexibility. We maintain our health and fitness through losing body fat. Cycling helps to avoid diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and lung problems.

L01: I recognised my own strength to assess my degree of fitness. After a month of riding, I could bike for at least 17 kilometres in an hour. I was fatigued after more than an hour of riding, but I kept trying to cycle with what little energy I had left that day. Even took part in the cyclothon. I’d like to strengthen my legs as well as work on my areas of weakness in this.

L02: The most challenging aspect of this was determining how well we fit or are capable of completing our jobs. The Major reason was traffic inside the neighbourhood . This was the most challenging portion of the journey for me. Even the toughest portion individuals in the city drive automobiles over the speed limit. This made it tough on many occasions during the journey. Cycling instead of driving minimises carbon emissions, relieves traffic congestion, and avoids parking issues. With reduced pollution and traffic, our towns will become greener, healthier, and less stressful. Cyclothon was difficult to compete in since there were so many individuals interested.

L04: The requirement was to never skip a day and to never give up halfway. Admittedly, it was challenging to keep up at first, but I eventually discovered strategies to stay on target and persevere towards the objective. Despite the fact that these were uncertain times, I made every effort to remain devoted and laser-focused. I demonstrated perseverance by riding a bicycle for 110 kilometres. I attempted to balance this exercise with my schoolwork and riding. In this case, it was tough to manage time, making this activity more challenging.


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