Beach Cleaning

In this CAS experience, I demonstrated my appreciation for life beneath the ocean by cleaning the beach in my city. On weekends, my buddies and I cleaned up a lot of trash that was lying about. Our objective was to collect as much rubbish as possible that had been deposited on the Dumas beach. We did offer kindness to nature by cleaning the beach for several hours.

LO4: The most crucial component that had to be assured during the course of the beach cleaning drive was commitment. If we did not establish a goal for the drive, it would be worthless for our own growth and even for the motivation of the drive that we were working on. To guarantee this, I had restricted myself from interacting with my classmates and engaging in any other activities that may interfere with the efficacy of the cleaning, including the sense of disgust when we were cleaning the waste. To address this dilemma, I determined not to let it upset me, even though I was not thrilled with the idea given that waste may cause a number of issues.

LO5: Cooperating expands the way our group works and helps us with taking care of the issue simpler as a solitary individual or a gathering of 2,3 individuals can’t get it going particularly in ocean side cleaning so working cooperatively will help us with gathering more measure of rubbish and furthermore propels us to gather something else for good natural supportability which leads us to more development, productive cycles, expanded achievement, and

LO6:The issue at hand was trash-filled beaches, which arise as a result of our failure to fulfil our responsibilities to keep our beaches clean. Garbage (particularly plastic) is a worldwide concern since it impacts many ecosystems and people.

L07:By actively engaging in the beach cleanup initiative, I have made an ethical decision that will benefit our society.


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