
Maintaining your physical fitness should always be one of the priorities. I decided to try out the gym just as a side activity during the summer holidays. However, as time went by, I started enjoying each of those sessions realising that gym is much more than just a side activity. As I got more intrigued I started to learn about how each muscle is developed, different types of training (Hypertrophy, Strength), the dietary requirements and how consistency and discipline were the 2 factors that will help in getting better at the gym.

LO 1:- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
An advantage when starting the gym was that I was playing football for years meaning I already had good cardiovascular endurance which would benefit me in a few areas. Lifting weights for the very first time for me, so overall I had to focus on every muscle for it to get adjusted to the new compound and isolated movements.

LO 2:- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.
The weight that seemed heavier to me now seems extremely light. This shows how my strength has increased over a period of time. Going to the gym was always a challenge for me because, for the first 1.5 – 2 months, you are extremely motivated to hit the gym however over time your motivation decreases, meaning that going to the gym and sticking to your diet is nothing more than a challenge.

LO 4:- Show perseverance and commitment to CAS experience.
Consistency is everything when building muscle or losing fat. The same way the gym teaches you discipline. I stuck to the diet that my trainer provided me and very rarely I have cheated on it. Eating the same food every day was nothing more but torture for me, however, it had to be done. I had to show commitment to what I was doing. This resulted in a good amount of weight and fat drop for me along with a decent amount of muscle being built in a few months. Now I continue to do it to create a good physique over years.



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