I took part in fsmun 9.0 as a delegate . It was a 2 Day conference where I represented P. V. Midhun Reddy in Lok Sabha . The agenda of the committee was “Insurgencies in Northern and Northeastern States of India ” .During the committee sessions, we had an effective debate about causes of insurgencies in different states  , the violations of human rights that had taken place in the conflict, and what measures should be taken in order to prevent them .

LO1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

While preparing for MUN I realized what my strengths were and what needs to be worked on . Being a bit introvert myself  find it tough to speak in public , but committee sessions  required communication , which I developed during the sessions. Although being new in school , the people here were really supportive and helped me whenever I needed it .

LO4 :Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

My persistence and dedication to taking part in the MUN were evident as I proactively considered thoroughly grasping the committee’s aims and objectives as well as the agenda.   As a result of my thorough preparation for this MUN, I was able to demonstrate persistence and dedication.Also it was something new for me. I displayed commitment as I was persisted to learn something new .

LO7 : Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Anything said by a delegate speaking on behalf of a politician is viewed by the committee in the MUN as an official remark that could have consequences. Therefore, the ethics of decisions and actions would have to be taken into account, and the statement’s potential effects would have to be calculated, before making any statement. Through our discussions, we looked at a variety of domestic issues and came up with more ethical resolutions.

Overall this was fun and new experience for me . The learn portfolio attributes that I developed were that of inquireres , communicators and open minded person . Inquirers as resarch and curiosity was an integral part of it . Open minded , as we became better listeners an listened to various perspectives . Communicators as we put our point across while respecting others.









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