Dumas is one of the most visited , famous and only  beach in Surat. I have always liked beaches as they are calm, beautiful and refreshing so on one weekend when I visited dumas with my friends , I found a lot of trash lying around and people littering the place .This saddened me as I always have loved the enviorment and the beaches .So me and my friends collaboratively decided to go to the beaches and clear the trash as much as possible.

LO3:Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

We chose to start this initiative; one of my friends and I saw it as an opportunity and gathered our other friends to volunteer to clean the beach. The planning, however, took some time because everyone had different views, but after considering them all, we came to a decision on where to meet and how to proceed. After observing how it functions the first weekend, we connected with our school POs and rolled out  forms for grades 9 to 12.The response toward it was positive which motivated us more for it.

LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively.

As the beaches is largely spread it is difficult for us to cover all parts , so we divided ourselves in group and assigned everyone different parts of beach to clean ,by this we were able to  work efficiently and make the most out of our time .We were able to do this by communciating and coordinating well with each other .

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Cleaning up beaches is a crucial activity that can significantly help to reduce the harmful impacts of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems. Our oceans’ health and the survival of the species that rely on them are at risk due to plastic pollution, a serious environmental issue.It is crucial for us to spread knowledge about the negative effects of plastic pollution on the ecosystem and to inspire people  to take action to reduce their plastic usage . We did this so we can preserve the planet for future generations .

LO7 : Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

I believed that it is our moral obligation to preserve the  environment  on which we and other life rely, particularly when we are also to blame for their degradation. By cleaning this beach I was able to contribute towards betterment for the community and enviorment which was and ethical decision taken by me.

Overall it was a very satisfying  and  experience, and the best part was seeing the beach  clean after a month, which also showed that we had done a pretty well job. The learner profile attributes that I developed were Caring, Responsible.






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