MUN are one of the most interesting things for students. It makes them aware of  current issues going on globally. As I wanted to know what all preparations a MUN team does, I joined the FSMUN 9.0 committee. Also I am very fond of managing events, I was in event management team. The event was held on 19th and 20th November.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

As it was the first time, me attending a MUN, I was pretty new to the terms used in MUN as well as while I was sitting in the committee the rules and regulations were a lot new to me. The team was quite new to me because I didn’t knew most of team and meeting them for the first time.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I was quite committed to the event as I missed my slots and tried to gather knowledge about the topics of the event. I also helped in the decor for the event even though I was in the event management team. I came early in to school so that the work is completed before time.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

As I worked with many new people I got to know more about different people and their thinking style. As students who are not studying in fountainhead school were also allowed to participate in the event. The members of Executive board were called from different city to attend MUN. This also made me connect with people in different city and of different ethnicity.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Any MUN aims to take topics related globally. At that time Russia-Ukraine war was the biggest global issue, was the main headlines of the committees. This helps the students,future of India, to get ready for such things and help them making Independent of making decisions or representing their country.

Conclusion – Thus the event helped me develop my skills and gain knowledge about major global issues. This was a very great experience as sharing same platform with different people, I have never met before is very much exciting. We also had to treat the delegates and EB’s  with warmth.


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