Garba fest volunteering

The reason I chose this as part of my CAS experience is to improve my creativity and collaboration skills, to experience what it’s like to be a part of a dance fest, to help establish something that everyone desires to participate in , while learning how to construct decisions that everyone agrees on and tolerates. 

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

On the first day of preparing for the event, I realized that communication was critical; without expressing ideas and collaborating with all other volunteers, it would be impossible to help make sure everything runs smoothly; thereby, I knew I needed to work on expressing myself and putting myself forward in order to be heard, which is a significant life skill to acquire.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

The organization of the event was done in between many other crucial duties, including IB submissions, summative assessments, and college applications. It became difficult to remain dedicated to the event because there was so much effort involved. However, I was able to do this via perseverance. Members of the OC skipped lunch breaks and arrived early to arrange the event in order to maintain productivity, demonstrating their dedication to and tenacity with the undertaking.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Collaboration with OC members and all other volunteers was critical to the event’s success. This event would not have been possible without the efforts of this group. We needed to operate as a team since there were so many things to address that one individual couldn’t handle it all. To increase productivity, jobs were shared among members, with me being in responsibility of design and creativity along with other volunteers, hanging banners and making visually beautiful and effective picture booths was something we needed to focus upon  Other volunteers were allocated jobs such as making sure food stalls were well organized, supervising the venue, and so on. We assisted each other in our responsibilities via excellent collaboration. Everyone contributed thoughts and suggestions, and as a result the event was a success.

LO 6: Engagement with issues global significance
Participating in the Garba Fest volunteering experience for CAS provided me with a profound opportunity to deepen my cultural awareness. Garba Fest celebrates the rich cultural heritage of traditional Indian dance and music, offering a platform to engage with diverse customs and traditions. Through immersion in the festival’s preparations and execution, I gained firsthand insights into the significance of Garba as a cultural expression and its importance in fostering community bonds. 

I displayed key learner profile traits during the event. I was a communicator since I shared my thoughts with others and collaborated with a large number of individuals to assist the event’s logistics. I was open-minded when I listened to and considered the perspectives of other members. I balanced my academics and helping for this event and made certain that neither of these things suffered. I was also reflective because I took my supervisors’ criticism on my work and modified it until it became ideal.

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